
Chiropractic has grown in popularity due to its high patient-approval rating, effectiveness and safety. Spinal manipulation and deep soft-tissue techniques combined with physical and exercise therapy, have been scientifically proven to be most effective for neck and for low back pain. Chiropractic Neurology, also known as Functional Neurology, is an exclusive sub-specialty within chiropractic which treats – fibromyalgia, traumatic brain injury, concussion, head, face, jaw and ear pain, migraine, cluster and tension headaches; many neurologic disorders such as neuritis, Meniere's, dizziness, tinnitus, dysautonomia, POTS, stroke, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs; neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand pain; scoliosis, mid-back AND digestive disorders such as nausea, abdominal migraines and hiatal hernia; hip, knee, ankle and foot pain; car accident, work-related and slip-and-fall injuries.


View news, movie trailers, Dr Saracino's nationally published articles and interview

NeurologyNeurology Movie Trailer Concussion1Concussion - Dr Mark Saracino Pennsylvania Bar Assoc. Annual Worker's Comp Conference Sept 2019 Concussion2Dr. Mark Saracino discusses concussions, headaches, muscle injury, therapy, Neurological care & more Concussion3Dr Carrick’s TV appearance Discussing Hockey Star’s Recovery from Concussion Concussion4Dr Saracino talks about Concussions, Migraines and Headaches TV NewsABC Nightline Articles Interview