Free Newsletter
To Your Health

"To Your Health", a timely and informative newsletter, will arrive monthly via email and include 3-4 brief health-related articles with links to the research journal from where they originated. I suggest you print each issue, about two pages long, read the hard copy, then give it to those in need and encourage them to sign-up.

Sign up for Dr Saracino's Monthly Newsletter
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Your email address will not be sold to or shared to any other entity, so you will not receive unwanted chiropractic neurology emails. Likewise, you can easily unsubscribe at any time using the well-seen link.

A Sample from August's Newsletter:

Healthy Summer Travel

The last thing you want on your summer trip is to not be able to enjoy yourself because of back pain and/or related conditions. Whether a short trip or a long haul, here are some tried and tested stay-healthy travel tips.