Dr. Mark Saracino
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
American Chiropractic Neurology Board
Dr. Saracino has been a continuous member in good standing since 1992 and maintains current certification, which requires 30 approved clinical neurology credits per year.
American Chiropractic Association
Dr. Saracino has been a continuous member in good standing since the start of his practice in 1983.
Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association
Dr. Saracino has been a continuous member in good standing since the start of his practice in 1983.
Journal of Manipulative & Physiologic Therapeutics
The best sources for chiropractic research. Dr. Saracino's alma mater is the publisher of this the first scientifically-indexed chiropractic journal.
Chiropractic in the United States: Training, Practice and Research
A report by the US government on chiropractic's effectiveness and safety.
Additional chiropractic-specific information.
Your Disease Risk
Take Harvard University Medical School’s health risk survey to determine one’s risk for certain diseases.
Dave's NMT & Fitness
Dave Quier, a certified neuromuscular therapist whom practiced with Dr. Saracino for 11 years, now practices in the Allentown Area.
Functional Athletic Strength & Speed Training
Jason Brader, an All-America college football star who received care from Dr. Saracino and trains athletes in the Allentown Area.
Stepknows, Computer Service, Training Support and Websites
ACA Endorsed Springwall Mattresses